par Allen, Peter
Editeur scientifique Hutchinson, B.;Batty, Michael
Référence Special Programme Panel on Systems Sciences of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)(21-27 September 1980: Oxford), Systems analysis in urban policy-making and planning, Plenum Press, New York
Publication Publié, 1980
Publication dans des actes
  • Planning and decision making in human systems: Modelling self-organization
Auteur:Allen, Peter
Editeur scientifique:Hutchinson, B.; Batty, Michael
Informations sur la publication:Special Programme Panel on Systems Sciences of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)(21-27 September 1980: Oxford), Systems analysis in urban policy-making and planning, Plenum Press, New York
Statut de publication:Publié, 1980
series:NATO Conference II, 12
Sujet CREF:Informatique mathématique