par Sun, Sainan
;Pattyn, Frank
;Simon, Erika G.;Albrecht, Torsten;Cornford, Stephen L.;Calov, Reinhard;Dumas, Christophe;Gillet-Chaulet, Fabien;Goelzer, Heiko
;Golledge, Nicholas R.;Greve, Ralf;Hoffman, Matthew J.;Humbert, Angelika;Kazmierczak, Elise
;Kleiner, Thomas;Leguy, Gunter R.;Lipscomb, William H.;Martin, Daniel;Morlighem, Mathieu;Nowicki, Sophie;Pollard, David;Price, Stephen;Quiquet, Aurelien;Seroussi, Helene;Schlemm, Tanja;Sutter, Johannes;van de Wal, Roderik S W;Winkelmann, Ricarda;Zhang, Tong 
Référence Journal of Glaciology, page (1-14)
Publication Publié, 2020-09-01

Référence Journal of Glaciology, page (1-14)
Publication Publié, 2020-09-01
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Abstract Antarctica's ice shelves modulate the grounded ice flow, and weakening of ice shelves due to climate forcing will decrease their ‘buttressing’ effect, causing a response in the grounded ice. While the processes governing ice-shelf weakening are complex, uncertainties in the response of the grounded ice sheet are also difficult to assess. The Antarctic BUttressing Model Intercomparison Project (ABUMIP) compares ice-sheet model responses to decrease in buttressing by investigating the ‘end-member’ scenario of total and sustained loss of ice shelves. Although unrealistic, this scenario enables gauging the sensitivity of an ensemble of 15 ice-sheet models to a total loss of buttressing, hence exhibiting the full potential of marine ice-sheet instability. All models predict that this scenario leads to multi-metre (1–12 m) sea-level rise over 500 years from present day. West Antarctic ice sheet collapse alone leads to a 1.91–5.08 m sea-level rise due to the marine ice-sheet instability. Mass loss rates are a strong function of the sliding/friction law, with plastic laws cause a further destabilization of the Aurora and Wilkes Subglacial Basins, East Antarctica. Improvements to marine ice-sheet models have greatly reduced variability between modelled ice-sheet responses to extreme ice-shelf loss, e.g. compared to the SeaRISE assessments. |