par Tsatsis, Christos
Editeur scientifique Crowther, David;Seifi, Shahla
Référence Why Some Public Accounting Reforms Tend to Fail: Evidence from Belgian Public Accounting Reform, Springer Singapore, Singapore, Vol. 6, Ed. 1, CSR and Sustainability in the Public Sector, page (165--184)
Publication Publié, 2020
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
  • Why Some Public Accounting Reforms Tend to Fail: Evidence from Belgian Public Accounting Reform
Auteur:Tsatsis, Christos
Editeur scientifique:Crowther, David; Seifi, Shahla
Informations sur la publication:Why Some Public Accounting Reforms Tend to Fail: Evidence from Belgian Public Accounting Reform, Springer Singapore, Singapore, Vol. 6, Ed. 1, CSR and Sustainability in the Public Sector, page (165--184)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2020
series:Approaches to Global Sustainability, Markets, and Governance
Sujet CREF:Comptabilité et contrôle de gestion
Note edition:1