  • Variability and Trends in Physical and Biogeochemical Parameters of the Mediterranean Sea during a Cruise with RV MARIA S. MERIAN in March 2018
Auteur:Hainbucher, Dagmar; Alvarez, Marta; Astray Uceda, Blanca; Bachi, Giancarlo; Cardin, Vanessa; Celentano, Paolo; Chaikakis, Spyros; Del Mar Chavez Montero, Maria; Civitarese, Giuseppe; Fajar, Noelia N; Fripiat, François; Gerke, Lennart; Gogou, Alexandra; Guallart, Elisa Fernandez; Gülk, Birte; El Rahaman Hassoun, Abed; Lange, Nico; Rochner, Andrea; Santinelli, Chiara; Steinhoff, Tobias; Tanhua, Toste; Urbini, Lidia; Velaoras, Dimitrios; Wolf, Fabian; Welsch, Andreas
Informations sur la publication:Earth System Science Data, 12, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-2747-2020
Statut de publication:Publié, 2020-11-12
Sujet CREF:Sciences exactes et naturelles