par La, Viet Phuong;Pham, Thanh-Hang;Ho, Manh Toan;Nguyen, Minh Hoang;Nguyen, Khanh Linh K.L.P.;Vuong, Thu Trang;Nguyen, Hong Kong To;Tran, Trung;Khuc, Quy;Ho, Manh Tung;Vuong, Quan-Hoang 
Référence Sustainability, 12, 7, 2931
Publication Publié, 2020-04

Référence Sustainability, 12, 7, 2931
Publication Publié, 2020-04
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Having geographical proximity and a high volume of trade with China, the first country to record an outbreak of the new Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Vietnam was expected to have a high risk of transmission. However, as of 4 April 2020, in comparison to attempts to containing the disease around the world, responses from Vietnam are seen as prompt and effective in protecting the interests of its citizens, with 239 confirmed cases and no fatalities. This study analyzes the situation in terms of Vietnam's policy response, social media and science journalism. A self-made web crawl engine was used to scan and collect official media news related to COVID-19 between the beginning of January and April 4, yielding a comprehensive dataset of 14,952 news items. The findings shed light on how Vietnam-despite being under-resourced-has demonstrated political readiness to combat the emerging pandemic since the earliest days. Timely communication on any developments of the outbreak from the government and the media, combined with up-to-date research on the new virus by the Vietnamese science community, have altogether provided reliable sources of information. By emphasizing the need for immediate and genuine cooperation between government, civil society and private individuals, the case study offers valuable lessons for other nations concerning not only the concurrent fight against the COVID-19 pandemic but also the overall responses to a public health crisis. |