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Résumé : | On 26 May 2019, European, federal and regional elections in Belgium wereheld. The main electoral results showed the decline of ruling parties (N-VA,MR, Open VLD, CD&V) and the rise of radical parties on the right (VlaamsBelang) and left (PVDA-PTB). These results have opened a period of deepgovernment instability with very long negotiations to form coalitions at theregional level, and even more so at the federal level. It eventually took theCOVID-19 crisis outbreak for a new government to be formed. However, thenew minority government obtained external support from six parties for aperiod of six months only. Over the last decade, forming a coalition has pro-ven itself to be more and more difficult in Belgium. The rise of extreme par-ties and the decline of mainstream parties are making it even harder. If thetrend holds, one might have to question the future capacity of Belgium toform sustainable coalitions. |