par Marynowska, Martyna 
Président du jury Flot, Jean-François
Promoteur Roisin, Yves
Co-Promoteur Calusinska, Magdalena
Publication Non publié, 2020-04-24

Président du jury Flot, Jean-François

Promoteur Roisin, Yves

Co-Promoteur Calusinska, Magdalena
Publication Non publié, 2020-04-24
Thèse de doctorat
Résumé : | With its unique consortium of microorganisms from all domains of life, termite gut is considered one of the most efficient lignocellulose degrading systems in nature. Recently, host diet and taxonomy as well as gut microenvironmental conditions have emerged as main factors shaping microbial communities in termite guts. The aim of this thesis was to investigate this highly efficient lignocellulolytic system at holobiont level, with a particular focus on gut microbiome function and composition in relation to the host diet. As a starting point, we optimised a complete framework for an accurate termite gut prokaryote-oriented metatranscriptomics, which was at the basis of all subsequent sequencing assay designs and analyses performed in the course of the work. Afterwards, we characterised the compositions and functions of biomass-degrading bacterial communities in guts of plant fibre- and soil-feeding higher termites, proving the existence of functional equivalence across microbial populations from different termite hosts. We also showed that each termite is a reservoir of unique microorganisms and their accompanying genes. We further extended above approach to metagenomics and bacterial genomes reconstruction and we applied it to explore the process of biomass digestion in the different sections of the highly compartmented gut of soil feeding Labiotermes labralis. We showed that primarily cellulolytic activity of the termite host was restricted to foregut and midgut, while bacterial contribution was most pronounced in P1 and P3 hindgut compartments and included activities targeting broad range of lignocellulose components. Finally, we investigated the adaptation of a laboratory-maintained grass-feeding higher termite colony of Cortaritermes spp. to Miscanthus diet at host and symbiont levels. A natural system of a termite gut was shown to progressively change in composition to yield a consortium of microbes specialised in degradation of a specific biomass. Overall, the integrative omics approach proposed here provide a framework for a better understanding of a complex lignocellulose degradation by a higher termite gut system and pave a road towards its future bioprospecting. |