par Guha, Shibashis ;Trivedi, Ashutosh
Référence Lecture notes in computer science, 11750 LNCS, page (282-300)
Publication Publié, 2019
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Résumé : Probabilistic timed automata(PTA) model real-time systems with non-deterministic and stochastic behavior. They extend Alur-Dill timed automata by allowing probabilistic transitions and a price structure on the locations and transitions. Thus, a PTA can be considered as a Markov decision process (MDP) with uncountably many states and transitions. Expected reachability-price games are turn-based games where two players, player (Formula Presented) and player (Formula Presented), move a token along the infinite configuration space of PTA. The objective of player (Formula Presented) is to minimize the expected price to reach a target location, while the goal of the(Formula Presented) player is the opposite. The undecidability of computing the value in the expected reachability-price games follows from the undecidability of the corresponding problem on timed automata. A key contribution of this work is a characterization of sufficient conditions under which an expected reachability-price game can be reduced to a stochastic game on a stochastic generalization of corner-point abstraction (a well-known finitary abstraction of timed automata). Exploiting this result, we show that expected reachability-price games for PTA with single clock and price-rates restricted to (Formula Presented) are decidable.