par S. M. Monfared, Shaghayegh ;Nguyen, Trung-Hien ;Petrillo, Luca ;De Doncker, Philippe ;Horlin, François
Référence (30 May-01 June, 2018: Cartagena, Spain), Proc of the 7th MC meeting and 7th Technical meeting, COST Action CA15104
Publication Publié, 2018-06
Référence (30 May-01 June, 2018: Cartagena, Spain), Proc of the 7th MC meeting and 7th Technical meeting, COST Action CA15104
Publication Publié, 2018-06
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | The introduction of the Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) standard significantly streamlines the developmentof the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. These applicationsoften require the sensor positioning to link themeasurements with its location. Therefore, it is essential toconduct studies on BLE transmitter positioning methods.Power fingerprinting transmitter positioning approachesare commonly used in BLE network. However, thesemethods have their own limitations in terms of practicaluse and ease of implementation. The purpose is to developa simple BLE transmitter positioning of high accuracy.In this paper, a BLE transmitter positioning method isproposed based on Angle of Arrival (AOA) estimation.Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm is usedfor angle estimation due to the high angular resolutionand sensitivity. Several experiments have been conductedin an indoor environment and the results compared withsimulation results. Experimental results show that ourproposed BLE transmitter positioning method achieves apromising positioning accuracy. |