  • Burning shoes: an experimental approach for detecting the presence of garments worn by the deceased. Contribution of biogeochemical analyses on cremated bones
Auteur:Salesse, Kevin; Snoeck, Christophe; Annaert, Rica; Boudin, Mathieu; Capuzzo, Giacomo; Dalle, Sarah; De Mulder, Guy; Hlad, Marta; Kontopoulos, Ioannis; Sabaux, Charlotte; Sengelov, Amanda; Stamataki, Elisavet; Tys, Dries; Veselka, Barbara; Warmenbol, Eugène; Vercauteren, Martine
Informations sur la publication:2nd International Conference on Archaeometallurgy: “Contributions of Experimental Archaeology to Excavation and Material Studies” (25-27 September 2019: Paris/Cachan (France))
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2019
Sujet CREF:Anthropologie
Archéologie et techniques des fouilles