par Bateman, Hazel;Stevens, Ralph;Alonso Garcia, Jennifer ;Ponds, Eduard
Organisme financeur This project has received funding from the ARC Center of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (grant CE110001029) and ARC Linkage Grant `Mandatory pre-funded retirement income schemes: Best policy and practice' (grant LP140100104).
Publication Non publié, 2018-12-01
  • Learning to Value Annuities: The Role of Information and Engagement
Auteur:Bateman, Hazel; Stevens, Ralph; Alonso Garcia, Jennifer; Ponds, Eduard
Organisme financeur:This project has received funding from the ARC Center of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (grant CE110001029) and ARC Linkage Grant `Mandatory pre-funded retirement income schemes: Best policy and practice' (grant LP140100104).
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2018-12-01
Sujet CREF:Economie de la famille
Econométrie et méthodes statistiques : théorie et applications
Sciences actuarielles
Sujet JEL:Personal Finance
Intertemporal Consumer Choice; Life Cycle Models and Saving
Portfolio Choice; Investment Decisions
Volumes/pages:76 p.