par Dini, M.;Tison, Jean-Louis
Editeur scientifique Jasper, David;Beer, Tom
Référence Joint Assemblies of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans(1-7 July 1997: Melbourne, Austrlia), Abstracts, IAMAS/IAPSO, Melbourne 1997, bLocal Organizing Committee, 1997 Joint Assemblies of IAMAS & IAPSO, Melbourne, Vic.
Publication Publié, 1997
Publication dans des actes
  • On the variability on landfast sea ice facies in the vicinity of ice shelves
Auteur:Dini, M.; Tison, Jean-Louis
Editeur scientifique:Jasper, David; Beer, Tom
Informations sur la publication:Joint Assemblies of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences and International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans(1-7 July 1997: Melbourne, Austrlia), Abstracts, IAMAS/IAPSO, Melbourne 1997, bLocal Organizing Committee, 1997 Joint Assemblies of IAMAS & IAPSO, Melbourne, Vic.
Statut de publication:Publié, 1997
Sujet CREF:Glaciologie