par Lecocq, Dan ;Nziribusa, Pascal;Nimpagaritse, Manassé;Niyongabo, Prosper;Nicayenzi, Dieudonné;Horugavye, Cyprien;Coppieters, Yves ;Labat, Aline
Référence European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (11th: 16-20 september 2019: Liverpool, UK)
Publication Publié, 2019-09-16
Poster de conférence
  • Why well-trained health professionals are needed to make universal health coverage happen
Auteur:Lecocq, Dan; Nziribusa, Pascal; Nimpagaritse, Manassé; Niyongabo, Prosper; Nicayenzi, Dieudonné; Horugavye, Cyprien; Coppieters, Yves; Labat, Aline
Informations sur la publication:European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health (11th: 16-20 september 2019: Liverpool, UK)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2019-09-16
Sujet CREF:Santé publique
Science et gestion hospitalières
Sciences cognitives et éducation