  • Current management of limited-stage SCLC and CONVERT trial impact: results of the EORTC Lung Cancer Group survey
Auteur:LEVY, Antonin; Hendriks, Lizza; LePéchoux, Cécile; Falk, Sally; Besse, Benjamin; Novello, Silvia; Dingemans, Anne-Marie C; Hasan, Baktiar; Reck, Martin; Berghmans, Thierry; Faivre-Finn, Corinne; EORTC 24971/TAX 323 Study Group,
Informations sur la publication:Lung cancer, 136, page (145-147)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2019-08-01
Sujet CREF:Médecine pathologie humaine