par Tondeur, Marianne
Référence Médecine nucléaire, 22, 2, page (91-93)
Publication Publié, 1998
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Résumé : Simultaneous lung and skeletal muscle uptake on a Tc-99m MDP bone scan Diffuse Tc-99m MDP uptake in the lungs has been observed in bypercalcemia ; increased TV-99m MDP uptake in skeletal muscle bas been described in rbabdomyolysis. In a 26 year old male patient, suffering from a chronic muscle disease, we observed, during an acute crisis of rbabdomyolysis with transient bypercalcemia, simultaneous lung and skeletal muscle uptake of Tc-99m MDP. Bone scintigrapby which was also performed during remission, showed an almost complete regression of the abnormalities.