par Noël, Xavier ;Jaafari, Nematollah;Bechara, Antoine
Référence Progress in brain research, 235, page (219-237)
Publication Publié, 2017
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Mental time travel (MTT) allows navigation into the past, the future, and the minds of others, and it subserves future-oriented decision-making. Impaired MTT has been associated with a tendency to over-rely on the present, which is a characteristic of addictive behaviors. We here discuss the possible relationship between impaired autographical memory, future-oriented MTT, shortened time horizons, suboptimal social cognition, and poor decision-making in individuals with drug and gambling use disorders. We elaborate on how impaired MTT could compromise the process of change in addiction recovery and the effectiveness of psychotherapy. We argue that facilitating MTT represents, for individuals with addictive behaviors, an important process to enhance readiness to change, and to improve the quality and the efficiency of psychosocial interventions that focus on "emotional correction."