par Moosdorf, Nils;Hartmann, J.;Lauerwald, Ronny 
Référence Applied geochemistry, 26, SUPPL.
Publication Publié, 2011

Référence Applied geochemistry, 26, SUPPL.
Publication Publié, 2011
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Empirical matter-flux models calibrated on a large number of catchments (" distributed lumped models" ) are regularly used to analyze fluvial HCO3- fluxes. Despite the demonstrated applicability for spatial predictions, the applicability of distributed lumped models for historic reconstructions or future projections needs validation. Here, as a first evaluation, predictions of a published distributed lumped HCO3- flux model will be compared to observed HCO3- flux time series of individual catchments and additionally to models which were calibrated using those time series. The distributed lumped model, which was calibrated by regional data, predicts the time-series of single catchments well. Additionally, the results and parameters of models calibrated on time series of the single catchments are within the range that is covered by the distributed lumped model. The evaluation hints at the applicability of distributed lumped models, calibrated by annual flux data of a large number of catchments, for historic reconstructions and future projections of fluvial HCO 3 - flux at the regional scale. textcopyright 2011 Elsevier Ltd. |