par Vlachou, Vasiliki
Référence Beyond the Polis. Collective Rituals and the Construction of Social Identity in EIA Greece (25 May 2013: University of Oxford, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies)
Publication Non publié, 2013
Communication à un colloque
  • Collective Rituals and the Beginnings of Cult at the Spartan Amyklaion: The Ceramic Evidence
Auteur:Vlachou, Vasiliki
Informations sur la publication:Beyond the Polis. Collective Rituals and the Construction of Social Identity in EIA Greece (25 May 2013: University of Oxford, Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies)
Statut de publication:Non publié, 2013
Sujet CREF:Archéologie et techniques des fouilles
Chronologie historique et datation
Histoire de l'antiquité ancien continent