par Vanhulle, Dorian 
Référence Lady Wallis Budge Symposium 2017: Egyptology and Anthropology. Historiography, theoretical exchange, and conceptual development (25-26 July 2017: Christ College - Cambridge)
Publication Non publié, 2017-07-25

Référence Lady Wallis Budge Symposium 2017: Egyptology and Anthropology. Historiography, theoretical exchange, and conceptual development (25-26 July 2017: Christ College - Cambridge)
Publication Non publié, 2017-07-25
Communication à un colloque
Titre: |
Auteur: | Vanhulle, Dorian |
Informations sur la publication: | Lady Wallis Budge Symposium 2017: Egyptology and Anthropology. Historiography, theoretical exchange, and conceptual development (25-26 July 2017: Christ College - Cambridge) |
Statut de publication: | Non publié, 2017-07-25 |
Sujet CREF: | Archéologie et techniques des fouilles |
Egyptologie | |
Anthropologie | |
Ethnologie | |
Mots-clés: | Egypt |
Archaeology | |
Anthropology | |
Boat | |
Symbolism | |
Predynastic | |
Early Dynastic | |
Naqada | |
South East Asia | |
Langue: | Anglais |