  • The respective value of the G8 screening and the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) for the identification of vulnerable older patients with hematological malignancies susceptible to benefit from chemotherapy
Auteur:Dubruille, Stéphanie; Libert, Yves; Roos, Myriam; Vandenbossche, Sandrine; Meuleman, Nathalie; Maerevoet, Marie; Razavi, Darius; Bron, Dominique
Informations sur la publication:29th General Annual Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society(2014: Gent), Abstracts of the 29th General Annual Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society
Statut de publication:Publié, 2014
Sujet CREF:Médecine interne
Psychologie de la santé