par Devillers, Raymond ;Hujsa, Thomas
Référence Lecture notes in computer science, 10877 LNCS, page (19-39)
Publication Publié, 2018
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : Numerous real-world systems can be modeled with Petri nets, which allow a combination of concurrency with synchronizations and conflicts. To alleviate the difficulty of checking their behaviour, a common approach consists in studying specific subclasses. In the converse problem of Petri net synthesis, a Petri net of some subclass has to be constructed efficiently from a given specification, typically from a labelled transition system describing the behaviour of the desired net. In this paper, we focus on a notorious subclass of persistent Petri nets, the weighted marked graphs (WMGs), also called generalised (or weighted) event (or marked) graphs or weighted T-nets. In such nets, edges have multiplicities (weights) and each place has at most one ingoing and one outgoing transition. Although extensively studied in previous works and benefiting from strong results, both their analysis and synthesis can be further investigated. To this end, we provide new conditions delineating more precisely their behaviour and give a dedicated synthesis procedure.