par Dautrebande, Marie
;Doguet, Pascal;Gorza, Simon-Pierre
;Delbeke, J.;Nonclercq, Antoine 
Référence (27-28 Jan., 2018: San Francisco, CA, USA), Proceedings of the SPIE Optogenetics and Optical Manipulation Conference, SPIE BiOS
Publication Publié, 2018-02

Référence (27-28 Jan., 2018: San Francisco, CA, USA), Proceedings of the SPIE Optogenetics and Optical Manipulation Conference, SPIE BiOS
Publication Publié, 2018-02
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | In the context of near-infrared neurostimulation, we report on an experimental hybrid electrode allowing for simultaneous photonic or electrical neurostimulation and for electrical recording of evoked action potentials. The electrode includes three contacts and one optrode. The optrode is an opening in the cuff through which the tip of an optical fibre is held close to the epineurium. Two contacts provide action potential recording. The remaining contact, together with a remote subcutaneous electrode, is used for electric stimulation which allows periodical assessment of the viability of the nerve during the experiment. A 1470 nm light source was used to stimulate a mouse sciatic nerve. Neural action potentials were not successfully recorded because of the electrical noise so muscular activity was used to reflect the motor fibres stimulation. A recruitment curve was obtained by stimulating with photonic pulses of same power and increasing duration and recording the evoked muscular action potentials. Motor fibres can be recruited with radiant exposures between 0.05 and 0.23 J/cm2 for pulses in the 100 to 500 μs range. Successful stimulation at short duration and at a commercial wavelength is encouraging in the prospect of miniaturisation and practical applications. Motor fibres recruitment curve is a first step in an ongoing research work. Neural action potential acquisition will be improved, with aim to shed light on the mechanism of action potential initiation under photonic stimulation. |