par Just, Oliver;Goriely, Stéphane ;Bauswein, Andreas;Obergaulinger, Martin;Ardevol Pulpillo, R.;Janka, Hans-Thomas
Référence NIC2016(14: 19-24 June 2016: Niigata (Japan)), 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Japan Physical Society Conference Proceedings, Vol. 14, page (010704)
Publication Publié, 2016-09-15
Publication dans des actes
  • Impact of Neutrino Interactions on Outflows of Neutron-Star Mergers
Auteur:Just, Oliver; Goriely, Stéphane; Bauswein, Andreas; Obergaulinger, Martin; Ardevol Pulpillo, R.; Janka, Hans-Thomas
Informations sur la publication:NIC2016(14: 19-24 June 2016: Niigata (Japan)), 14th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, Japan Physical Society Conference Proceedings, Vol. 14, page (010704)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2016-09-15
Sujet CREF:Astrophysique