  • Energy Minimization at All Layers of the Data Center: The ParaDIME Project
Auteur:Palomar, Oscar; Rethinagiri, Santhosh; Yalcin, Gulay; Titos-Gil, Ruben; Prieto, Pablo; Torrella, Emma; Unsal, Osman; Cristal, Adrian; Felber, Pascal; Sobe, Anita; Hayduk, Yaroslav; Kurpicz, Mascha; Fetzer, Christof; Knauth, Thomas; Schneegass, Malte; Struckmeier, Jens; Milojevic, Dragomir
Informations sur la publication:Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Design, Automation AND Test in Europe, EDA Consortium, Dresden, Germany, page (684-689)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2016-04-28
series:DATE '16
Sujet CREF:Technologie informatique hardware
Sciences de l'ingénieur