  • Mechanical stability of the CMS strip tracker measured with a laser alignment system
Auteur:Skovpen, Y.; Brun, Hugues; Clerbaux, Barbara; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Delannoy, Hugo; Fasanella, Giuseppe; Favart, Laurent; Goldouzian, Reza; Grebenyuk, Anastasia; Karapostoli, Georgia; Lenzi, Thomas; Leonard, Alexandre; Luetic, Jelena; Maerschalk, Thierry; Marinov, Audrey; Randle-Conde, Aidan Sean; Seva, Tomislav; Vanlaer, Pascal; Vannerom, David; Yonamine, Ryo; Zenoni, Florian; Zhang, Fengwangdong; Fang, Wenxing; Dorney, Brian; Wang, Qun
Informations sur la publication:Journal of Instrumentation, 12, 4
Statut de publication:Publié, 2017
Sujet CREF:Physique des particules élémentaires