par Ndikumana, Théophile
;Carleer, Michel
;Colin, Réginald 
Référence Molecular Physics, 69, 2, page (229-239)
Publication Publié, 1990-02

Référence Molecular Physics, 69, 2, page (229-239)
Publication Publié, 1990-02
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | A molecular beam of PbSe molecules was excited by the 4965 Å line emitted by a cw Ar+ laser and the fluorescence spectrum was recorded. Five fluorescence series originating from the v'= 9 level and one series originating from the v'= 10 level of the A0+ state were observed and analysed to yield improved isotopic vibrational constants for the X0+ state. The observation of satellite lines due to inelastic collisions within the beam allowed also to determine the rotational B constant of the v'= 10 level of the A0+state. Using a pulsed dye laser, lifetimes of the v'= 9 and 10 levels of the A0+ state and of the v'= 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 levels of the B1 state were measured. These lifetimes combined with calculated Franck-Condon factors allowed electronic transition moments for the A-X and B-X transitions to be determined. © 1990 Taylor & Francis Ltd. |