Résumé : Human cystic echinococcosis, an endemic zoonosis in Algeria, is caused by larvae of the cestode Echinococcus granulosus. Parasitic modulation of the immune response allows E. granulosus to persist in intermediate hosts. Previous in vitro and in vivo immunological studies have shown differences in host immune responses according to the status and location of the hydatid cysts in the body. In this study, a proteomic analysis of human hydatid fluids was performed to identify the proteins in hydatid cyst fluids. Hydatid fluid was obtained after cystic surgical removal from three patients with these cysts. The study was conducted on fertile hydatid fluids from lungs, vertebra, and infertile paravertebral fluids. Comparisons of the protein compositions of these fluids revealed differences in their protein profiles. These differences are probably related to the cyst location and fertility status of the parasite. Notably, our analysis identified new proteins from the parasite and human host. The identification of host proteins in hydatid fluids indicates that the hydatid walls are permeable allowing a high protein exchange rate between the metacestode and the affected tissue. Interestingly, our study also revealed that parasite antigenic protein expression variations reflect the differences observed in host immunostimulation.