Résumé : Nemo solus satis sapit – no one can be wise enough on his own. This is particularly true when it comes to collaborations in scientific research, which are essential for the exchange of knowledge, sharing of workloads, and improvement of output quality. Concerns over this issue in Vietnam, a developing country with limited academic resources, led to an in-depth study on Vietnamese social science research, in which data from 410 Vietnamese authors who had international publications recorded in Google Scholar and Scopus during 2008 2017 were collected for analysis. The results showed that more than 90% of scientists had worked with colleagues to publish, and they had collaborated 13 times on average during the time limit of the data sample. These collaborations, both domestic and international, provided authors with significant advantages, boosting their performance (β au.vn = 0.134, p < 0.001, β au. fr = 0.052 , p < 0.001). On the other hand, academic independence, principally measured by the number of publications the authors wrote alone, also affects the volume of their output. The modest number of publications by Vietnamese authors, along with the striking 75% ratio of authors who had never published alone and the rather unimpressive percentage (56.6%) of corresponding or first authors lead us to believe that Vietnamese social scientists relied heavily on collaborative work and are severely lacking in the fundamental skills required to be a scholar meeting international standards. This problem should be examined through the lens of educational policies, especially those concerning higher education and research training.