par Huge, Jean 
Référence Internationalisation of Higher Education: A Handbook, Vol. 3, Ed. 1, page (119-143)
Publication Publié, 2016

Référence Internationalisation of Higher Education: A Handbook, Vol. 3, Ed. 1, page (119-143)
Publication Publié, 2016
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : | As the need for reform towards sustainability is recognised by an ever increasing community ofscholars, governments and actors of civil society, higher education institutions have steadily butslowly joined the mobility movement. The current forces of internationalisation of the higher educationlandscape and the ever-deepening sustainability crisis create a series of challenges as well asopportunities. The varied perspectives on sustainability held by diverse groups of internationalstudents and scholars who increasingly meet at sustainable campuses create fertile ground forcross-fertilisation across and within disciplines. In this article, an introduction of the rationale forsustainable higher education institutions is followed by an analysis of the opportunities for actionand existing best practices in campus operations, curriculum development and research. The articleconcludes with a series of recommendations to strengthen the role of higher education institutionsin achieving sustainability by following a whole systems approach. |