par Torrekens, Corinne
;Jacobs, Dirk 
Référence Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 42, 2, page (325-340)
Publication Publié, 2015-11-07

Référence Journal of ethnic and migration studies, 42, 2, page (325-340)
Publication Publié, 2015-11-07
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | This article investigates the impact of discursive and politicalopportunity structures on religiosity among Muslims and onperceived distance between Muslims and non-Muslims on the roleof religion in society, making use of the EURISLAM-data-set (2010).We will focus on Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani and ex-Yugoslavianorigin samples of migrants of Muslim origin and a control groupof non-Muslim majority group citizens for six participatingcountries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerlandand the UK). Our analysis does not show any impact ofopportunity structures on Muslims religiosity nor on perceiveddifferences between Muslims and non-Muslims |