  • Investigating the predictive value of topoisomerase II alpha (TOP2A) gene, mRNA and protein levels in anthracycline-treated estrogen receptor (ER) negative breast cancer patients.
Auteur:Desmedt, Christine; de Azambuja, Evandro; Larsimont, Denis; Delaloge, Suzette; Duhem, Caroline; Rouas, Ghizlane; Di Leo, Angelo; D'Hondt, Veronique; Piccart-Gebhart, Martine; Sotiriou, Christos
Informations sur la publication:ASCO - American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting(2008: Chicago, IL, USA), J Clin Oncol, Vol. 26: May 20 suppl;, page (abstr 11065)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2008-05
Sujet CREF:Cancérologie
Médecine pathologie humaine
Sciences bio-médicales et agricoles