par Albisinni, Simone
;Aoun, Fouad
;Peltier, Alexandre
;Van Velthoven, Roland 
Référence Prostate Cancer, 2016, 1481727
Publication Publié, 2016

Référence Prostate Cancer, 2016, 1481727
Publication Publié, 2016
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The vesicourethral anastomosis represents a step of major difficulty at the end of minimally invasive radical prostatectomy. Over 10 years ago, we have devised the single-knot running vesicourethral anastomosis, which has been widely adopted in urologic departments worldwide. Aim of the current paper is to review the technique, its adaptability in complex situations, its complications, and possible modifications, including the use of barbed sutures. |