par Azzi, Djohra ;Van Kalmthout, Danielle;Xhonneux, Valérie;Grietens, Erik;Bouland, Catherine
Référence 8th International conference on Children's Health and Environment (INCHES)(14-16 September 2016: Barcelona), Journal of Health and Pollution
Publication Publié, 2017
Publication dans des actes
  • When parents, NGOs, Environmental NGOs and experts join forces to spur actions to protect children's environmental health
Auteur:Azzi, Djohra; Van Kalmthout, Danielle; Xhonneux, Valérie; Grietens, Erik; Bouland, Catherine
Informations sur la publication:8th International conference on Children's Health and Environment (INCHES)(14-16 September 2016: Barcelona), Journal of Health and Pollution
Statut de publication:Publié, 2017
Sujet CREF:Santé publique
Environnement et pollution
Note générale:iiTSE