par Bouhajja, Emna;AGATHOS, Spiros;George, Isabelle 
Référence Biotechnology advances, 34, 8, page (1413-1426)
Publication Publié, 2016-12

Référence Biotechnology advances, 34, 8, page (1413-1426)
Publication Publié, 2016-12
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | Polluted environments are a reservoir of microbial species able to degrade or to convert pollutants to harmless compounds. The proper management of microbial resources requires a comprehensive characterization of their genetic pool to assess the fate of contaminants and increase the efficiency of bioremediation processes. Metagenomics offers appropriate tools to describe microbial communities in their whole complexity without lab-based cultivation of individual strains. After a decade of use of metagenomics to study microbiomes, the scientific community has made significant progress in this field. In this review, we survey the main steps of metagenomics applied to environments contaminated with organic compounds or heavy metals. We emphasize technical solutions proposed to overcome encountered obstacles. We then compare two metagenomic approaches, i.e. library-based targeted metagenomics and direct sequencing of metagenomes. In the former, environmental DNA is cloned inside a host, and then clones of interest are selected based on (i) their expression of biodegradative functions or (ii) sequence homology with probes and primers designed from relevant, already known sequences. The highest score for the discovery of novel genes and degradation pathways has been achieved so far by functional screening of large clone libraries. On the other hand, direct sequencing of metagenomes without a cloning step has been more often applied to polluted environments for characterization of the taxonomic and functional composition of microbial communities and their dynamics. In this case, the analysis has focused on 16S rRNA genes and marker genes of biodegradation. Advances in next generation sequencing and in bioinformatic analysis of sequencing data have opened up new opportunities for assessing the potential of biodegradation by microbes, but annotation of collected genes is still hampered by a limited number of available reference sequences in databases. Although metagenomics is still facing technical and computational challenges, our review of the recent literature highlights its value as an aid to efficiently monitor the clean-up of contaminated environments and develop successful strategies to mitigate the impact of pollutants on ecosystems. |