par Goldfinger, Paul ;Waelbroeck, F.G.
Référence Bulletin des Sociétés chimiques belges, 62, 9-10, page (545-568)
Publication Publié, 1953
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : All significant direct and indirect evidence on the heat of sublimation of carbon, Lc, agrees with the authors recent result Lc =141.26 kcal. Only electron collision experiments in carbon monoxyde on the one hand, in methane and its derivatives on the other, seem to lead unambiguously to the same value within the limits of experimental error (about ± 5 to 10 kcal) of this method. Spectroscopic data on CO could yield an unambiguous and much more exact result if a second dissociation (or predissociation) limit were ascertained; e. g. the convergence limit and the nature of the excited state of the Birge Hopfield bands near 1000 A. Vapour pressure measurements with the carbon are and the counter pressure method give Lc ± 140 kcal, although the interpretation of these measurements is involved and by no means free of ambiguity, except perhaps in the case of Ribaud and Bégué's experiments. Rate of evaporation measurements and earlier rate of effusion measurements, although their interpretation had been partly erroneous, lead to the same result if the low value of the evaporation (condensation) coefficient, measured by the authors, is taken into account. Copyright © 1953 Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim