par Bonneels, Pierre
Référence First Annual Conference for European Network of Japanese Philosophy (2015-12-3/5: UPF, Barcelona)
Publication Non publié, s.d.
Communication à un colloque
Résumé : The purpose of this presentation is two-fold: First, it will focus on the practical question to know how someone can find a book to translate by contacting and looking for interesting matter to translate; and second, it will further investigate with concrete example what a translator face within is work. Many philosophers would argue that a translation have to look for an ideal that is never totally grasp. In this process the principle of choice as to be used very carefully together with as many documentation one can get. It will develop this idea with concrete example found into the translation of A Manga Introduction to Philosophy. One of the main problem will be the deal of the translation of two but yet different concept “now” and “present”. Thus this presentation will present the background of a project which the aim is to build a greater community of thinker around nowadays philosophy that is to be found in Japan.