par De Smedt, Kenneth;Van Winckel, Hans;Kamath, Devika;Karakas, Amanda I.;Siess, Lionel ;Goriely, Stéphane ;Wood, Peter R
Référence (University Campus, Vienna), Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 497, page (241)
Publication Publié, 2015
Publication dans des actes
  • Post-AGB Stars in the Magellanic Clouds as Tracers of the s-Process Nucleosynthesis
Auteur:De Smedt, Kenneth; Van Winckel, Hans; Kamath, Devika; Karakas, Amanda I.; Siess, Lionel; Goriely, Stéphane; Wood, Peter R
Informations sur la publication:(University Campus, Vienna), Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 497, page (241)
Statut de publication:Publié, 2015
Sujet CREF:Astrophysique