par Antoine, Pierre-Cornélius 
Président du jury Espion, Bernard
Promoteur Francois, Bertrand
;Verbrugge, Jean-Claude 
Publication Non publié, 2010-12-21

Président du jury Espion, Bernard

Promoteur Francois, Bertrand

Publication Non publié, 2010-12-21
Thèse de doctorat
Résumé : | Soft soil reinforcement by inclusion is a growing technique caracterized by a pile grid and a granular embankment introduced between the reinforced soil and the structure. Unlike traditionnal methods, the load is partially transferred to the pile heads by arching in the embankment. The application area of this research focuses on the shallow foundations case, in which the thickness of the embankment is small. The litterature review shows that only a few studies were dedicated to that case, and that fundamental questions remains concerning the load transfer in the embankment. Chosen method for this research consists in two-dimensionnal physical modelling, analysis of the conducted simulations, and development of an analytical model in order to predict the load transfer to the piles by arching in the embankment. The results of this PhD thesis provide original elements of evidence of the load transfer in the studied system, proposes an analytical model based on block division of the granular embankment by shear bands - which is in good agreement with experimental data - and lead to a better understanding of arching in soils. |