par Melotte, Patricia ;Licata, Laurent
Référence European Association of Social Psychology General Meeting
Publication Non publié, 2014-07-10
Poster de conférence
Résumé : Sexism is pervasive in all human cultures and its negative consequences have been demonstrated (Swim & Hyers, 2009). Faced with sexism, women developed coping strategies to maintain self-esteem (Swim, Cohen & Hyers, 1998). Among these strategies, confrontation consists in expressing her dissatisfaction with discriminatory behaviour against the person responsible for this discrimination (Kaiser & Miller, 2004). Few studies have investigated confrontational responses to sexism. They show that women generally fail to confront the perpetrators of the prejudice (Swim & Hyers, 1999; Woodzicka & LaFrance, 2001). According to the Confronting Prejudiced Responses Model (Ashburn-Nardo, Morris & Goddwin, 2008), detecting discrimination and identify a response are hurdles in confronting sexism. In this study, we simulated online job interviews during which a recruiter was asking sexist questions. Before participating to job interview, female participants (n=67) were informed either that sexism was an important issue in job interview and was informed that confronting sexism lead to positive issue (confrontation condition); or that confronting sexism lead to negative issue (non-confrontion condition). In the control condition, there is no information about sexism. Results show that the proportion of confrontation is low in the three conditions (28%). The pourcentage tend to be higher in the confrontation condition (42%). These results suggest that avoiding confrontation remains the dominant strategy even when his cost is reduced (virtual online situation) and when women are sensitized to sexism and even if confrontation is presented as desirable. These results will be discussed according to the Confronting Prejudiced Responses Model (Ashburn-Nardo, Morris & Goddwin, 2008).