par Hennebert, Elise;Jangoux, Michel ;Flammang, Patrick
Référence Project Muse 4, DUMMY PUBID, Vol. 9781421410456, page (24-36)
Publication Publié, 2013
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : Echinoderms usually have a rather thick integument in which well-developed calcareous ossicles are embedded, resulting in an armor-like endoskeleton. They also develop soft epidermiscovered coelomic projections (called ambulacral tentacles, tube feet, or podia) through which individuals communicate with their environment. Although these tentacles were used originally as food-collecting organs, in eleutherozoan echinoderms they become involved in locomotion or attachment on or within the substratum (Fig. 3.1). Some of them also develop into strictly sensory appendages, such as the terminal or aboral tentacles of asteroids or echinoids, respectively, or the sensory papillae of holothuroids. Tube feet are the visible part of a tubular coelomic entity-the so-called ambulacral or water-vascular systemthat develops from the left mesocoel (or hydrocoel) of the larva and extends radially in or along the integument of the adult echinoderm (Cuénot 1948, Dawydoff 1948, Hyman 1955, Lawrence 1987).