par Carta, Caterina
Référence The EU's Foreign Policy: What Kind of Power and Diplomatic Action?, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, page (87-103)
Publication Publié, 2013
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
Résumé : The Treaty of Lisbon provoked a massive reorganization in the field of external relations at the executive and administrative level. Instead of simplifying the institutional structure, this overall reorganization crowded even further the 'leadership table' (Nugent and Rhinard 2011: 13). Within the EU, with different intensity of cooperation, conflict and contamination, a variety of governmental actors share policy responsibilities in the making of foreign policy. This chapter aims to explore the role of executive actors which concur to the EU foreign-policy making by locating them in a simplified policy-cycle model. It is here suggested that this heuristic devise offers a streamlined analytical grid to order a wide cornucopia of actors, processes and political dynamics. The policy-cycle model serves as an simplified device to detect the position of bureaucratic and administrative actors in the policy process; the set of formal and informal procedures that order their interactions; and 'the cumulative effects of the various actors, forces, and institutions that interact in the policy process and therefore shape its outcome(s)' (Werner and Wegrich 2007: 50). In order to introduce EU executive actors' interaction in the making of foreign policy, this chapter presents a simplified cycle based on four main stages: 1) policy initiative; 2) policy formulation; 3) decision-making; and 4) implementation.