par Wilmotte, Jean ;Fontaine, Ovide
Référence L'Encéphale, 6, 3, page (199-208)
Publication Publié, 1980
Référence L'Encéphale, 6, 3, page (199-208)
Publication Publié, 1980
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The article provides a review of the main contributions both of behaviorally--and cognitively--oriented litterature on depressive states and depressive behaviors. These various data are organised so as to form into a tool for the functional analysis of depression: symptoms--structures--releasing factors--mechanisms--maintaining and aggravating factors. Synthetic tables at the end of the article constitute a first attempt at a clinical report allowing the pratician to evaluate the contributions--as well as the limits--of a behavioral approach of the depression phenomenom. |