par Jeanmart, Louis ;Mazy, Gilbert
Référence BULL.ACAD.ROY.MED.BELG., 129, 4, page (257-289)
Publication Publié, 1974
Référence BULL.ACAD.ROY.MED.BELG., 129, 4, page (257-289)
Publication Publié, 1974
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The authors attempt to promote continuous radio anatomo clinical comparison, to carry out the photographic and radiological study of the operative material in serial groups, and to perform the reading in comparison with the large anatomopathological slides. The aim was to solve the problems of radiological visibility of a tumor which depends on a good definition of tumor environment and accurate localization of the tumor limits. The authors also attempt to define the separation between the normal pictures, to find new signs of inflammatory pathology and to study the motives and causes of error in these radiological examinations. By establishing an original coded protocol and pooling their results, the authors attempt, at the level of their respective centers, to define statistically the results obtained by these methods of comparison with regard to two large groups of patients one depending on controlled consultations, the other on the consultations for early detection of disease. The comparative study of the results obtained on these two groups provides useful information on the significance which one should attribute to the frequency given by different authors for several types of tumors. In addition to correlating the radiological examination and the histological results at the level of the centers, this study places the local results at an international level and attempts to establish a comparison between the results of the clinical, radiological and cytological examinations on the one hand and, on the other, the results provided by the other physical examinations which are currently used: diaphanoscopy, thermography, echography and xerography. The authors consider, these methods complementary to radiological examination. These complementary physical techniques remain justified since they help to reduce rather uncertain diagnoses. |