par van Noppen, Jean Pierre 
Référence Etudes théologiques et religieuses, 90, 2
Publication Publié, 2015-06-18

Référence Etudes théologiques et religieuses, 90, 2
Publication Publié, 2015-06-18
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The pragmastylistic approach to Wesleyean hymns is part of a larger study seeking to exonerate methodist discourse from charges of manipulation of the working class by industrial capitalism through religion. The hymns that methodism produced in their thousands « gave wings to the doctrines of the revival » and added to the methodist message a remarkable emotive and mnemonic effect regardless of the lack of literacy of the initial target audiences. They helped spread the Gospel of love and hope more efficiently than any other (spoken or printed) medium. A statistical study of the lexis shows that the charges brought against those hymns by the marxist camp are most often based on isolated facts which were neither as systematically combined nor as representative of methodist discourse as those critics suggest. |