par Kheswa, B.V.;Wiedeking, M.;Giacoppo, F;Goriely, Stéphane
;Guttormsen, Magne;Larsen, Ann-Cecilie;Bello Garrote, F.L.;Eriksen, T.K.;Görgen, Andreas;Hagen, T.W.;Koehler, P.E.;Klintefjord, M.;Nyhus, Hilde Therese;Papka, P.;Renstrøm, Therese;Rose, S.J.;Sahin, E;Siem, Sunniva;Tornyi, T.
Référence CGS15(25-29/08/2014: Dresden - Germany), Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Vol. 93, page (04005), EPJ web of conferences [ 2101-6275 ]
Publication Publié, 2015-05-28

Référence CGS15(25-29/08/2014: Dresden - Germany), Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Vol. 93, page (04005), EPJ web of conferences [ 2101-6275 ]
Publication Publié, 2015-05-28
Publication dans des actes
Résumé : | The synthesis of the neutron deficient 138La nucleus has been a puzzle for a long time. It has not been clear whether it is produced through photodisintegration processes or neutrino induced reactions due to unavailability of experimental data for nuclear level densities and γ strength functions of 138,139La nuclei. In the present work these nuclear properties have been measured and are used to investigate the synthesis of 138La. The results support the neutrino interactions as a dominant production process for 138La. |