par Hickman, B.J.;Anderson, N L;Willard-Gallo, Karen ;Anderson, N G
Editeur scientifique Radola,
Référence Electrophoresis '79: Advanced Methods, Biochemical and Clinical Applications, Internal Charge Standardization for two-Dimensional electrophoresis, Walter de Gruyter and Co, Berlin and New-York, page (341-350)
Publication Publié, 1980
Partie d'ouvrage collectif
  • Electrophoresis '79: Advanced Methods, Biochemical and Clinical Applications: Internal Charge Standardization for two-Dimensional electrophoresis
Auteur:Hickman, B.J.; Anderson, N L; Willard-Gallo, Karen; Anderson, N G
Editeur scientifique:Radola,
Informations sur la publication:Electrophoresis '79: Advanced Methods, Biochemical and Clinical Applications, Internal Charge Standardization for two-Dimensional electrophoresis, Walter de Gruyter and Co, Berlin and New-York, page (341-350)
Statut de publication:Publié, 1980
Sujet CREF:Cancérologie
Médecine pathologie humaine
Sciences bio-médicales et agricoles