par Verheulpen Heymans, Nicole 
Référence Colloid and polymer science, 270, 5, page (446-454)
Publication Publié, 1992-05

Référence Colloid and polymer science, 270, 5, page (446-454)
Publication Publié, 1992-05
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The experimental dependence of the strain-optical coefficient of hot-stretched polycarbonate on preorientation is investigated and compared with a model based on deformability of orienting elements. The model exhibits an interaction between orientation and distortion, enhancing the contribution of the latter which is never negligible, even at high orientations. The model, which intrinsically requires no free parameters, gives a satisfactory qualitative description of experimental results; with only one free parameter quantitative agreement between theoretical predictions and experimental results is obtained. © 1992 Steinkopff-Verlag. |