par Chatrchyan, Serguei;Caillol, Cécile
;Clerbaux, Barbara
;De Lentdecker, Gilles
;Favart, Laurent
;Gay, Arnaud
;Hreus, Tomas
;Leonard, Alexandre
;Marage, Pierre
;Mohammadi, Abdollah
;Pernie, Luca
;Reis, Thomas
;Seva, Tomislav
;Thomas, Laurent
;Vander Velde, Catherine
;Vanlaer, Pascal
;Wang, Jian
; [et al.]
Référence The Journal of high energy physics, 2014, 6, 009
Publication Publié, 2014

Référence The Journal of high energy physics, 2014, 6, 009
Publication Publié, 2014
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | A measurement of the triple-differential cross section, d3 σ/ (dpT γdηγ dηjet), in photon + jets final states using a data sample from proton-proton collisions at √ = 7 TeV is presented. This sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.14 fb-1 collected by the CMS detector at the LHC. Photons and jets are reconstructed within a pseudorapidity range of |