Publication dans des actes
  • Performance of a Large-Area GEM Detector Prototype for the Upgrade of the CMS Muon Endcap System
Auteur:Abbaneo, Duccio; Abbas, M.; Abbrescia, Marcello; Abi Akl, M.; Ahmed, Waseem; Lenzi, Thomas; Maerschalk, Thierry; Verhagen, Erik; Yifan, Yang; Yonamine, Ryo; Zenoni, Florian; Barria, Patrizia; De Lentdecker, Gilles; Sharma, Archana; Akl, M. Abi; et al.
Informations sur la publication:2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference and 21th Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor X-ray and Gamma-ray Detectors
Statut de publication:Publié, 2014-11-08
Sujet CREF:Physique des particules élémentaires