par Lecolley, François René;Bizard, G.;Durand, Dominique;Gulminelli, Francesca;Le Brun, Christian;Lefebvres, F.;Louvel, Michel;Regimbart, R.;Steckmeyer, Jean Claude;Tamain, Bernard;Benoit, Bénédicte ;Hanappe, Francis ;Costa, G.;Dorvaux, O.;Guillaume, G.;Heusch, Bernard;Huck, Alexander;Rudolf, Gérard;Stuttge, Louise;El Masri, Youssef;Keutgen, Th;Ninane, A.;Tilquin, I.
Référence Nuclear physics. A, 620, 3, page (327-345)
Publication Publié, 1997-07
Référence Nuclear physics. A, 620, 3, page (327-345)
Publication Publié, 1997-07
Article révisé par les pairs
Résumé : | The specific decay mode of hot nuclei surviving fission or fragmentation and leading in the final state to the production of a large residue has been studied in Ar+Au collisions at 60 A MeV. The temperature of these residues has been obtained by analysing the kinematical characteristics (angular and kinetic energy distributions) of the coincident neutrons detected by the DEMON neutron detector. A total cross section of 50 mb has been measured for the production of residues with an initial temperature of 6 MeV or more. This result is compared with the predictions of a microscopic transport model. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. |